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Sustainable Fashion, the future trend!


Sustainable fashion refers to fabrics derived from eco-friendly resources, such as sustainably grown fiber crops or recycled materials. It also refers to how these fabrics are made. Historically, being environmentally conscious towards clothing meant (1), making clothes last long by caring for them, repairing and patching them, (2) inheriting and using hand-me-downs within one’s extended family and community, (3) buying clothes from thrift stores or any shops that sell second-hand clothing, or (4) donating used clothes to shops previously mentioned, for reuse or resale.

In modern times, with a prominent trend towards sustainability and being ‘green’, sustainable clothing has expanded towards reducing the amount of clothing overproduced, incinerated or discarded to landfills, and decreasing the environmental impact of agro-chemicals in producing conventional fiber crops (e.g. cotton).

Environmental hazards related to fashion; the clothing industry has one of the highest impacts on the planet. High water usage, pollution from chemical treatments used in dyeing and preparation and the disposal of large amounts of unsold clothing through incineration or landfill deposits are hazardous to the environment. There is an increasing concern as microfibers from synthetic fabrics are polluting the earth’s waters through the process of laundering. Microfibers are tiny threads that are shed from fabric. These microfibers are too small to be captured in wastewater treatment plants’ filtration systems and they end up entering our natural water systems and as a result, contaminating our food chain.

Sustainable fashion movement believes that the fashion industry has a clear opportunity to act differently, pursuing profit and growth while also creating new value and deeper wealth for society and therefore for the world economy. There are doubts within the movement as to the effectiveness of “green consumerism.” Business models based on selling more units of clothing or accessories are widely not considered to be sustainable, regardless of how “eco-friendly” the garments themselves are.

One of the most apparent reasons for the current unsustainable condition of the fashion system is related to the temporal aspects of fashion; the continuous stream of new goods onto the market, or what is popularly called “fast fashion.” The term has come to signify cheap, accessible, and on-trend clothes sourced through global production chains and sold through chains.

Slow fashion can be seen as an alternative approach against fast fashion, based on principles of the slow food movement. Characteristics of sustainable fashion match the philosophies of “slow fashion” in that emotional, ecological and ethical qualities are favored over uniform and bland convenience with minimal friction. Slow fashion often consists of durable products, traditional production techniques, or design concepts that strive to be season-less or last aesthetically and materially for longer periods of time. The impact of slowness aims to affect many points of the production chain. For workers in the textile industry in developing countries, slow fashion means higher wages.

The environmental impact of fashion also depends on how much and how long a garment is used. With the fast fashion trend, garments tend to be used half as much as compared to 15 years ago. This is due to the inferior quality of fabrics used but also a result of a significant increase in collections that are being released by the fashion industry. Typically, a garment used daily over years has less impact than a garment used once to then be quickly discarded.

Our Team at Aari, believes in keeping a collection that bridges the gap between new trends and evergreen designs, trying to support sustainable clothing. You will find a fine blend of styles that will prove to be timeless classic apparels. We aim to try and do our bit in making this future a better place to live in!

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